Opinion: The situation in North Korea isn’t one person’s fault


Alex Kamczyc

Alex Kamczyc

Once in a blue moon, I get this crazy feeling that the world won’t be here in the morning.

It doesn’t help that I just opened a bottle of rum with my brothers and Dad and started talking politics.

Paranoia aside, it doesn’t help that this current administration makes it feel like there’s a scandal or controversy in the media cycle every week (mostly because there is).

North Korea is the latest example that has Twitter making its rounds with people blasting President Donald Trump for how he’s handling the growing threat overseas.

While I agree that it’s easy for one to dump all the blame on our current government (it’s a pretty easy thing to criticize Trump — not so easy to defend him), I have to say that North Korea has been a looming threat to our society since our first war with them.

During the years after 1953, when we signed an armistice with them to end the Korean war, they had been nothing but a nuisance for our government dating back to the Clinton Administration.

In fact, there had been gross negligence from not only the Republican Party but also the Democratic Party.

Starting with the Clintons, when they initially started to become a threat on a global level, had backed out of a treaty that prevented nations from developing the means of creating nuclear weapons.

The Clinton Administration’s response was to give them four billion dollars, economic and political benefits and two nuclear reactors that would replace plutonic reactors — the waste from them could be used for nuclear weapon development — that the North Koreans had in use already.

During the Bush Administration, North Korea admitted to secretly conducting tests as a means to achieve nuclear weaponry, successfully conducting two tests in ’06 and ’07.

The Bush Administration’s response was to, again, seek a diplomatic way to halt the progress of their nuclear weapons program, which involved sending them $400 million worth of aid for them and their people.

They again backed out of the deals that were made.

The Obama Administration was no different, seeking a way to peacefully end the looming threat they began to pose by placing sanctions on the regime while also trying to implement the same treaty that was brokered during the Bush Era — Kim Jong Un ignored the sanctions and the attempts by the U.S. Government to halt their progress.

None of these solutions have stopped the growing power of the North Korean Regime. Every administration except Trump’s (that we know currently) has thrown money at the problem and seemingly tried to sweep the problem under the rug by going by North Korea’s word that they would stop, change or any other synonym for compromise you can think of.

All attempts either were temporary solutions, or failed to solve the problem all together. No one has made progress in solving this threat and only seem to feed the machine.

But yeah, sure, let’s all make fun of Trump on twitter for inheriting an issue he didn’t start, it’s easy to do, he has a target the size of South Korea on his back, I don’t blame you.

His loose mouth and reckless way of handling things does make it understandable to be on the edge of your seats.

Will he solve the problem? Probably not.

In the meantime, I’m going to sit here and finish this bottle of rum and shoot the s*** with my family. Hopefully the world is still here in the morning.

Alex Kamczyc is a columnist. Contact him at [email protected].