Our view: We’re with her


Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton speaks at Kent State University on Monday, Oct. 31, 2016.

America did it. Hillary Clinton is the 45th president of the United States.

When threatened with four years of divisive language and toxicity from Republican nominee Donald Trump and his campaign’s demagoguery, democracy fought back at voting booths.

The United States officially elected its first female president, dedicated itself to environmental conservation and committed to the fight against social marginalization. It voted unequivocally for progress.

By voting Clinton, the U.S. elected the most suitable nominee to guide our country through increasingly turbulent times at home and overseas.

Domestically, Clinton will shoulder not only the promises of her own platform but will also cater to the “Feel the Bern” movement that promoted economic equality and opportunity. She will need to act as a champion of indiscriminate prosperity, following perhaps the most polarizing election of our time.

Internationally, Russia will jockey with NATO allies in Eastern Europe in an attempt to reestablish itself as a legitimate global power. Ongoing conflict in Syria, Yemen and and the rest of the Middle East will challenge Clinton; as a result, national security will be at the forefront of her administration.

Of course, it won’t be easy. But—given Clinton’s astounding resume and sound platform—Americans have good reason to place their faith in the former secretary of state.

Now, as for Trump: He must accept defeat.

America, after months of rejecting his vile mudslinging and xenophobic ideals, decided it had heard enough. Democracy—regardless of whether Trump chooses to recognize its legitimacy—stood tall throughout his dictatorial rhetoric.

America can finally breathe a sigh of relief; Trump would have, without question, been a monumental disaster. He would have jeopardized long-standing alliances abroad, threatened America’s idiomatic role as a “melting pot” of culture and ruined eight years of social change brought on by President Barack Obama.

Thankfully, his run is at an end.

Clinton shattered the ultimate glass ceiling by becoming the first female president, and she simultaneously defeated a Republican candidate who was the embodiment of misogyny and abusiveness.

Democrats should celebrate Clinton’s remarkable achievements. In the shadow of intolerance and anger cast by Trump, Clinton continuously served as a beacon of hope. Love—in reference to her campaign’s popular rallying cry—finally trumped hate.

That is why we’re with her.