A Mag’s Dos and Don’ts of Instagram


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Lucas Misera

Stop pretending the main reason you go over your data plan every month isn’t Instagram. You caved in high school, fell in love with the filters and you’ve said bye-bye to Facebook ever since. It’s easy to get pulled into the fit teas, the acai-bowls, the waist trainers. We’re here to let you know how to stay real on the ‘gram.


Do: filter. It’s there for a reason. Play around with highlights, contrast, fade and exposure to make your photos pop on the feed. Instagram offers some quality filters (Our favorite? Aden, for sure), but downloading other apps like Typic for text overlays, Boomerang for GIF-like grams and Pic Stitch for collages ensures a stand-out post.

Do: hashtag. And we say this with caution. The more hashtags, the more potential views your photos will receive. This could potentially connect you with restaurants, hotels or stores. And if those places also have Instagram, you’re likely to receive some attention for your 

post. But under no circumstances should you become a hashtag abuser. Our thumbs will be happy to scroll right past your 45 tags.


Don’t: stress over likes. For us, Instagram is one of our favorite ways to connect with friends, not destroy a relationship because someone’s slacking on their like-loyalty. Like away, but remember that Instagram now shows your most viewed pages first on your feed. So if someone missed your ‘gram … were they ever your BFF in the first place?

Don’t: post everything. Nobody likes an over-sharer. We’ve never really been into your dimly-lit pictures of Olive Garden breadsticks. Make sure what your posting is worthwhile, and if it isn’t, go scouring for a #TBT in your mom’s old albums. Everybody loves baby pictures.

Stay patient — a great Instagram is only a click away. Just remember: nobody is really that candid, Facetune exists and your Instagram will never be as bangin’ as Beyonce’s.