Heading into a ‘tangle-free’ lifestyle with the new iPhone 7

Gabrielle Harrison

On Sept. 7, Apple. Inc introduced its brand new iPhone, the iPhone 7, with new updated iOS 10 software. Although the phone will not be available in stores until Sept. 16, it’s already causing a bit of controversy and worry within the Apple user community.

The iPhone 7 is expected to be water resistant as well as have a dual camera system that will allow for a better zoom without losing quality within the image.

The main concern of iPhone users is the lack of a headphone jack with the new phone. The phone will have stereo speakers and come with wireless headphones.

“I personally don’t think that I’ve done enough research on it to get the phone yet.” said junior nursing major Christina Bogner.

It’s no secret that people like to listen to their own music in the car rather than the same top 40 on every station, or dealing with static and commercials during songs. In the era of “pass me the aux cord” the new iPhone is leaving current iPhone 6 users worried.

“I feel like they’re only going wireless because a lot of newer cars have Bluetooth,” said junior communication studies major Brianna Dalton.

“My mom just shattered her screen so she’ll have to get a new iPhone,” said sophomore architectural studies major Daniela Hoover. “I’ll probably wait to see how she likes hers and how it works before I decide if I should get my own.”

The iPhone 7 will come with its own set of wireless headphones and will support other types of wireless and Bluetooth headphones, but it will leave the current version of corded headphones with the older generations.

“I feel like that will kind of suck because if my Bluetooth headphones die, and I still want to listen to music, I would be able to,” Hoover said.

The aim of the wireless headphones, which are speculated to be made by Dr. Dre’s Beats, is to give users a tangle-free lifestyle.

The corresponding new Apple Watch, as well as the iOS 10, will be available at a later date. The iOS 10 will give older generations the same software as the new phone.