Kent State deemed one of top 50 most active employers in U.S.

Alex Delaney-Gesing

Kent State received the title of one of the year’s ‘Top 50 Most Active Employers.’ The honor was given by the Wellness Councils of America, a national initiative geared toward promoting workplace wellness.

The ’On the Move’ challenge aimed to encourage more activity and exercise throughout the workdays of companies across the nation, giving recognition for achievements.

Over the course of a 12-week period (beginning in April and ending last month), 84 companies and nearly 80,000 employees participated in the challenge.


As part of the challenge, “employees tracked their activity types, duration and intensity to work toward 100 ‘move points’ each day,” according to a July 25 Kent State news release.

Three levels of businesses—small, medium and large—competed for placement in the top 100 rankings. Kent State placed above 27 other companies in the large business category.

A panel of fitness and health advocate professionals from around the country judged each grouping.

“We received great feedback from our employees that they enjoyed being a part of a team challenge,” said Kim Hauge, manager for Kent State’s university wellness and healthy campus promotions, in the news release. “We know that when we are more active, it’s good for the mind, body and soul.”

Contact Alex Delaney-Gesing at [email protected].