Opinion: The Lord’s Passion and Easter


Alexis Wohler is a junior journalism major. Contact her at [email protected].

Alexis Wohler

God’s passion is you. God longs to have a relationship with you and all people as His children. He loved every single one of us so much that he sent his only son Jesus Christ to die on the cross for each and every one of our wrong doings. Every time we sin, we can and should ask for forgiveness, He will forgive us as long as we ask for forgiveness with our full heart. We can always turn to him no matter what you go through. He will always be there for you to listen and take care of you in your physical, mental and emotional and spiritual needs.

His passion for his children is overwhelming. With Easter happening today, you might be wondering how to prepare for the holiday of the resurrection of Jesus. Maybe some of you don’t even celebrate Easter and are curious as to what Easter is. Maybe you are also curious about the story of Jesus dying on the cross. One way to celebrate is to ask for forgiveness from God and to accept that you want Jesus as the Lord over your life. Another way you can prepare for Easter is to know that you are loved beyond any love, by God Himself. God can give you more love than anyone in your life can. Jesus was sent from Heaven to Earth to save each one of us from sin, death and eternal damnation in Hell. He was sentenced to death on Good Friday, placed in a tomb and then three days later rose from the dead, proclaiming victory over Satan.

God loves each one of us so much that He sent Jesus to take our place and suffer the punishment we deserve. Think about that—he took all of our iniquities upon himself to save us and in order to give us his never-ending grace, and love. Easter is the ultimate symbol of love. God’s love is never ending and unfailing. Whenever you think you made a mistake that is unforgivable or that you may be unlovable, remember that he will do anything for you to have you as his own child. He always has, and always will love you no matter what happens in your life. Easter is a message of God’s full on passion for us all. Jesus’s whole purpose was to come live on the earth, preach his father’s gospel and then die on the cross so we can have the same intimate relationship with God that he longs to have with us.

If God’s passion weren’t you, none of you would even be alive today. None of you would be her at KSU getting your degree. We are all here for God’s purpose and if he didn’t have a plan for us in our lives, where would we be right now? He gives you breath every second of every day and gives you the knowledge to complete your courses, both with difficulty and ease, at the right times. He allows you to be at one of the most prestigious universities in the country. He allows you to live in the United States of America where we have freedom of religion and freedom of speech and other rights.

He gives you the food you eat and the clothes on your back and the ability to pay for your books and courses. He gives you a family that loves you. There are countless other blessings from him in your life as well. All you have to do is search for him and the blessings He offers you, and you will come to find that He does have a passion for you.