Letter to the Editor: About American selfishness

Tim Bledsoe

Do you ever get the feeling that we Americans are some of the most selfish, self-centered and immature brats that ever lived? I am not claiming to be guilt-free, but look at our national situation as a whole.

We have supposed “leaders” in Washington, D.C., that will not agree to take care of our own in the form of health care reform, but they continue, for more than ten years, to send U.S. troops in harm’s way and to spend hundreds of billions of dollars on two unnecessary wars in countries that are reported to have very corrupt governments.

We have probably 10 to 15 percent of the richest, most powerful people in the world, yet these brats are the very Americans that are sending our jobs, and perhaps our very future stability, to other countries. At what point of unemployment and underemployment will these so-called “Americans” understand the very real damage they are causing to the very country they call home?

The overwhelming majority of us are not guilt-free, either. When are the parents and grandparents of our generation going to understand that you cannot always treat yourself and little Johnny and Sue to every brand-new doodad that comes along? There are probably millions of Americans who are absolutely so immature in their finances that they have very little savings, yet they treat themselves to every monthly billing-service amenity available.

In closing, I believe I heard on the national news the U.S. government is technically in debt to China by more than $300 billion. I truly pray the rampant selfishness, self-centeredness and gross immaturity in our nation will subside before we all are totally indebted to foreign powers.