Video test file


//Change the div id to match the name of the file without the “.flv” !!

var video = “FCNews_111512_600.flv”; //Paste video filename between the quotes

var playlist = [{controls: true, file: ‘rtmp://’ + video }];

var ad = “TechHelpAd_11152012_600.flv”; //Paste pre-roll ad filename between the quotes

var adPlayed = false;


file: “rtmp://” + ad,

image: ‘’,

width: ‘270’,

height: ‘200’,

events: {

onPlay: function(){if (adPlayed == false){jwplayer().setControls(false);}},

onComplete: function(){adPlayed = true; jwplayer().load(playlist).onPlaylist(jwplayer().playlistItem(0)).setControls(true);}
