Laundry in a Flash plans to expand business off campus
October 2, 2012
Laundry in a Flash has saved hundreds of students the time it takes to keep their clothes clean since it launched in 2009.
“How much does your time cost?” Chad Radke, junior entrepreneurship major and CEO of Laundry in a Flash, said.
Laundry in a Flash is a student-run business that has maintained around 100 customers each year. However, they hope to bring in new clients. Laundry in a Flash has many returning customers, but sales go down once fall semester starts.
“Once the semester starts, we don’t get many sales. Once spring semester hits, there’s no Destination Kent State, so there’s no real easy way to access parents,” Radke said. “We struggle to accumulate sales.”
Radke said the company is in the process of expanding off campus to apartment complexes, such as University Oaks. He and Joanie Weber, junior entrepreneurship major and president of Laundry in a Flash, have started to target places where students have to lug their laundry to a different building or where washers and dryers are outdated.
The company has also started to look into offering dry-cleaning services to faculty. They could save time by dropping off and picking up their dry cleaning in buildings in which they already have to teach.
Laundry in a Flash was started as a project in Entrepreneurship Experience II. The business struggled when it first launched, having a hard time getting enough customers to financially sustain itself.
After the company started targeting parents, it made approximately $17,000 its first year.
“The business is growing consistently every year, and we’re hoping to continue that and really take it to its whole potential,” Radke said. “It can be so much more than it is right now, and it’s already so much.”
Laundry in a Flash is offered to students who live on campus. Students who sign up can drop off their dirty laundry in one of its four locations: Eastway, Dunbar Hall, Tri-Towers and the Business Administration building. The next day, their clean and folded laundry will sit in its place.
“Everyone can do their own laundry, but it’s eliminating that pain and that time it takes to do it,” Weber said.
Contact Mary Kate Garvey at [email protected].