Our View: Lefton’s letter lifts liveliness

DKS Editors

As you may have read in this edition of the Daily Kent Stater, President Lester Lefton sent a letter to faculty Aug. 23 asking for their input on the direction of Kent State.

In the letter, Lefton said he plans to meet with each academic department throughout the year and start a “collegial discussion” concerning the challenges the university will face in the long and short-terms.

The letter is very complimentary of the faculty and staff, and we applaud Lefton for appealing to the men and women who deal with university issues on the ground level.

While Lefton’s reputation with some students and faculty members is less than congenial, the fact that he is embracing the spirit of shared governance is refreshing in a culture where people make snap decisions and invoke executive orders with little or no discussion.

Lefton also talks about legislative bodies slashing public university budgets and the growing skepticism on the importance of higher education in this economic climate.

Overall, Lefton’s letter was an honest assessment of the state of higher education and the challenges that Kent State will face in the coming years.

The Daily Kent Stater editorial staff extends a thumbs-up to the president for engaging his workforce with a proactive, team-first attitude.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.