Our View: Naked, pregnant and censored in a grocery store

DKS Editors

Jessica Simpson’s cover photo of the April issue of Elle magazine was awfully similar to that of Demi Moore’s Vanity Fair cover in 1991.

In fact, she purposely copied Moore’s cover by posing nude while very pregnant. Certain body parts strategically covered more private parts (see here for cover) but the photo still received quite a bit of criticism … from a grocery store.

CNN reports after an Arizona grocery store received complaints from customers it placed cardboard over the covers or turned them around so as not to show Simpson’s naked body.

Wait; are we still in the ‘90s when Maxim was grouped with Playboy? We didn’t think so. Maxim is now just a considered a men’s magazine (with sex appeal) and Elle is a highly respected piece of print.

Demi Moore’s cover was a bit controversial back in the day. But a carbon copy controversy over a naked cover 21 years later seems like an overreaction when most swear words are allowed on public television and a little cleavage (from the front and back) is deemed normal but gross.

We’re a much more liberal society. Pregnancy is beautiful and we should embrace it. At least, that’s what we’re told and that’s exactly what Simpson was expressing in her choice to go naked.

There’s nothing wrong with that cover. Just like there’s nothing wrong with Esquire’s April cover of Sofia Vergara with a very large “SEX” smack dab in the middle.


The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board.