CSI holds ‘Love the Leader Within’ conference

Megan Wilkinson

Though registration for the ‘Love the Leader Within’ conference has already closed, students can still take the following steps and advice on how to become stronger leaders:

-Look for other leadership programs on campus. Ulbricht said Kent State currently hosts a ‘Lunch with the Leader’ series where students can meet with professionals in their academic fields.

-Make friends with student leaders and learn from them. Talk to the president of your book club, business team, etc. and have them give you advice on how they advanced to that position.

-Sell your good qualities. Show employers you want to work for them and exactly why you are the best fit for the job or leadership position. Be specific and unique.

-Get involved in people’s lives. McKenzie said students who try to make a difference in others’ lives and communities gain more respect.

“These skills allow you to be successful in the workplace, you can stay more organized and also have a framework to understand any type of position,” Ulbricht said. “They also help you feel fulfilled by helping others and being a leader.”

Leader: a word associated with presidents, CEOs and other illustrious figures. But this weekend at Kent State, the Center for Student Involvement wants to help students foster leadership qualities within their work, applications and organizations.

“All students have the ability to become a leader, and we want them to discover their leadership styles,” said Alex Ulbricht, graduate student in higher education and student personnel and an organizer of the event.

Students will take part in CSI’s ‘Love the Leader Within’ conference Saturday morning to learn how to hone their leadership and networking skills for their clubs, academics, sports and careers.

Brittany Maurer, senior communication studies major and an organizer of the event, said the conference will offer a variety of presentations to accommodate the students and student-run organizations that will be there. Some of the main topics that will be covered are time management, resume writing and leadership development.

“Students probably won’t get a job by just going to the event, but they will definitely gain experience through the networking session,” Maurer said.

Ulbricht said that students who take part in the conference will be able to boost their thinking on leadership skills both in and out of the Kent State community.

“We hope that they interact with other student leaders to gain new ideas to take back to their student organizations during meals, breaks and other appropriate situations,” Ulbricht said.

About 300 students are signed up to attend the conference. Brenda McKenzie, associate director with the Center for Student Involvement, said the event recently closed registration.

Signs you need to step-up your networking game:

-You treat employers or professionals in your field the same way you treat your roommates and best friends. Hobson Hamilton, assistant director of career services, said that though employers like to see applicants with unique traits, they still want the applicant to act professionally during the job interview or work hours.

“If you’re too casual, it reflects on the interviewers,” Hamilton said. “Interviewers look for people who actively prepare beforehand.”

-You have been out of college for nearly eight years, but still haven’t found a full or part-time job because you’re too busy playing “World of Warcraft” or “Skyrim.”

– You blow off job or internship interviews because you refuse to wake up before 10 a.m.

Contact Megan Wilkinson at [email protected].