BUS to hold ’emergency mass meeting’ Tuesday night
April 5, 2011
There will be an “emergency mass meeting” 7:30 p.m. tonight in the Student Multicultural Center to discuss the future of Black United Students, according to the student group’s Facebook page.
Student Multicultural Center Director Shana Lee said there was a “strong possibility” the group would be disbanded by next year. Flyers were posted around campus noting tonight’s meeting.
Founded May 21, 1968 on the principles of “brotherhood, unity and self determination,” BUS. is the oldest student organization on campus. According to its Facebook, B.U.S. is dedicated to “ensuring a quality learning environment through enriching and entertaining programs.”
In 1968, members of the new group staged a mass walk off to Akron, demanding a black studies curriculum and cultural center. They were granted the Pan-African Studies Department and Oscar Ritchie Hall in response.
Check back to KentWired.com for more information when it’s made available.
-Daniel Moore