What do I like to write about?

Sonali Kudva

As I sat watching the senior dance recital this past weekend, I suddenly had the urge to write about the passion behind the dancers’ moves. I watched the intense emotion they were expressing through their dance, and all of a sudden I knew what I wanted to address today.

One of the first questions I am asked when I say I am studying journalism is “Oh you like to write then? What do you like to write about?” The question both annoys and confounds me. After all, nobody goes around asking scientists what they like to invent. They appear to instinctively understand that one has to wait for that spark, that “eureka” moment when one is on to something.

The creative process is exactly like that for most people, journalists and writers included. They may have pet subjects they would like to focus on and hobbyhorses they would like to ride, but for the most part, writers (journalists included) wait for these same moments where they know something has inspired them.

This inspiration comes from an idea: that light bulb of sudden understanding, or a dim flicker that may or may not become a flame. But for all that, it is passion; an intense emotion, like love or hate that propels me into writing a column that I know is one of my best. I compare it to dance, music or any of the creative arts where an inner voice sparks you to create something that you never knew you had inside of you. It’s that time when you’re writing a paper for class, and suddenly you’re in the “zone” that sees you through to a brilliant finish.

I have no idea what or how I will write something each week, but sometimes I know I am more inspired than at other times. And when that inspiration strikes, followed by that strong feeling for a subject, I know that I’m onto something good.

Not that I claim to be creating art, but to me, good art is something that strikes that chord in a captive audience. This is what artists hope to do, I believe. They reach out through their work, their music, their dance and hope that the audience understands what they are trying so hard not to articulate in plain old simple words.

I write for this reason. I like it when people like or respond to my words. It means it has struck a chord, whether good or bad. I do not know what I like to write about, except to know that when I’ve written something and someone understands, I like it.

How does the creative process strike you?

Sonali Kudva is a journalism graduate student and columnist for the Daily Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].