Let the community (college) help you

DKS Editors

Granted, it’s a little late for many of you reading this to enroll in community college. You’ve already guaranteed a good chunk of your time and money to Kent State.

But if you know anyone who is considering college right now, or anyone trying to go back to school, you should really try suggesting community college to them. It’s quickly becoming one of the best options for post-secondary education.

Of course, community college is often looked down upon — but now those students may have the last laugh. Community college is much cheaper than four-year state colleges and definitely much cheaper than private colleges.

Plus, going to community college doesn’t mean you’ll never get the chance to go to a “regular” college. For instance, Kent State and Cleveland State offer a dual-admissions program with Cuyahoga State Community College. Ohio’s public university system offers a “transfer assurance guide” to ensure every credit taken at community college will count at a four-year school.

And your degree never says “two years at community college and two at Kent State.” It only says Kent State. So you pay less than many students who go all four years at Kent State, but you’re getting the same degree.

Angry yet, current students? If only you could turn back time.

Community college is one of the best options for those who are unsure of what to major in as well. Instead of spending thousands on a few semesters at a state school as an undeclared major, you can dawdle in different subjects and save money at community college.

It’s often sometimes easier to work part time while going to school at a community college part time as well.

So like we said, it may be a little late for much of our audience to think of community college as an option, but if you’re struggling along right now unsure of where you want to be and do — give it some serious consideration.

And like we said, mention it to those high school kids you know and the adults who are thinking of going back. You may be saving them a whole lot of frustration and money at the end of the day.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the Daily Kent Stater editorial board whose members are listed to the left.