Daily Kent Stater: Letters to the Editor

Thank you, David, for the alernative view

Dear editor:

I commend your columnist David Busch for his piece in the Oct. 19 issue of the Daily Kent Stater titled “Education is more than a symbolic picture.” This piece of design criticism (although David may not have necessarily conceived it or thought of it as such) is astute and salient.

As a graduate student in the visual communication design field, I am familiar with issues surrounding the design and production of similar “pictures” and marketing motivation behind them. Many students may enjoy images recently erected on campus’ landmark buildings. Some may even be inspired by this color on top of Kent’s overcast skies if not by their symbolism.

But David’s capacity to connect the social realities with institutional auspiciousness through an analysis of visual media and present an alternative view, which cannot be contested, is worthy of admiration.

Articles like this one are the reason I read the Stater every day!

Emir Bukva is a visual communication design graduate teaching assistant.