Their view

• On Beth Rankin’s March 13 column, “I am not a white bitch:”

I too have tried to attend events sponsored by BUS but unfortunately experienced the same discomfort as Beth Rankin. Maybe I am confused but I thought the purpose of holding events such as these were to educate the ignorant about racism and promote integration. Instead I was shocked to find the complete opposite. I know that it is not the intention of every member of BUS or even people who attend these events to make white people feel unwelcome, but everyone should be aware that it is happening. The sucess and talent of people such as Russell Simmons or Danny Gover could be admired by Americans of any race. I don’t want to feel like these events are separated by black and white because they have the potential be motivational for any student who goes to Kent State. Hopefully BUS leaders will listen to the words Beth Rankin had to say and together we can work toward uniting this campus.

Thank you Beth for being the voice of so many students who have felt the same way but never knew how to approach the situation.

segregation or integration. make up your mind BUS

Don’t you think we feel the same discomfort when we attend predominently white events? We hostthings in honor of our ancestry because no one else will. Everything else is for whites. Even though it doesn’t say “This is a white event”, it’s very implied. Everytime I walk pass the ball room there’s a different event going on but who invited blacks? NOBODY!!!!!!! Because it’s not for us. We advertise our events and everyone is welcome to come. Everytime I’m at a BUS event there are a good number of whites and if you’re afraid to come then that’s yourown fault. You want to stand up for yourself in a blog…how bout you stand up for yourself by coming to a BUS event and not worry about who’s staring at you. Now that’s power.

Lauren Hunt

I’m so happy to see someone who has the balls to tackle this issue. Every day I read blogs, posts, websites by people who are spewing hatred towards white people, especially white woman who are dating black men. Some of them are so nasty and hateful that it takes my breath away. I respond, and try to explain to them that I’m not into my boyfriend because I have “jungle fever”, and he doesn’t love me because I am some sort of submissive white woman he can control. They quote from civil rights leaders (which I find ironic because they fought for equality, not superiority like these people strive for) and say that black men were made for black women, and I should stick to my own kind. That I am meant to be with a man who is the image of my white father. I AM with a man who is an image of my father- he is loving, kind, supportive and makes me laugh. I am tired of trying to explain that love is love, and that we all have the same basic parts and needs and wants. People with this mentality are no better than those who are members of the Ku Klux Klan or any other hate group. Racism is racism, no matter what side you’re on. Fighting it together is the only way we can begin to achieve the goal of equality.

I’m sorry that white people may have enslaved your ancestors and have performed horrible, unspeakable acts, or that racism is still alive and well- but it is NOT alive and well in my life and I am trying to fight it WITH you, so don’t treat me like I’m some stupid white bitch who doesn’t know anything. I was born white, I didn’t choose to be white. Just because I have “white privilege” doesn’t mean I asked for it, or use it to my advantage, or want it. Don’t exclude me because of something I have no control over. I want to be friends with you, I want to hear your side of the story, to see what your life is all about. I want to hold your hand in solidarity and face our adversaries together. Come on, BUS…let us in.

Thank you, Beth. Thank you for having the courage to speak your mind about an issue that so many people just keep to themselves, because they don’t want to risk sounding racist or insensitive, or they don’t want to cause controversy. If I ever meet you, I would love to shake your hand and thank you in person. We need more people with voices like yours.


I am not mad at the lady that wrote this article. It is nice to know that there are people out there who do not judge other people by the color of there skin. But for the people who commented on the article saying that why have a BUS. I am outraged. Have you guys even taken the time to find out Black United Students History. Since you haven’t let me inform you. The Black United Students (BUS) was first organized on May 21, 1968 and was instrumental in establishing the University’s Learning Development Program (1968), which is now administered by the Office of Enrollment Management and Student Affairs, the Institute for African American Affairs (1969), the Center of Pan-African Culture (1972), and the Department of Pan African Studies (1976). The establishment of these campus institutions was the direct result of 95 percent of the University’s African student body walking off campus in protest of the racist treatment they were receiving and the absence of educational support programs. Black United Students is a support group. You guys wouldn’t understand that because you are not African American. Going to kent state and being african american is a totally different experience then you all think. The campus is predominatly white anyway. Why do you guys complain when black people want to have something to call there own.

African Americans are often ignored on this campus along with a lot of other minority students and so bus is necessary to express concerns in the african american community.

A Black girl at Kent State!

As a student of color (mixed to be exact- Puerto Rican and Haitian), I have my own issues with the force known as BUS. And as a responsible adult, I took it to the Executive Board of BUS through a grievance form last fall and at a mass meeting (last year’s The Panel, to be exact). I encourage others to do the same. While I was not fully satisfied with the action, or lack thereof, taken by the Board, I respect their leadership and hope they guide BUS in a positive direction, accepting everyone in their quest for an self-succifient, prosperous African American community.

There are correct and incorrect ways to tackle a problem, even for a journalist. It is inappropriate and irresponsible to use the words of two long gone members of BUS’ Executive Board as ammunition against the current leadership and membership. Mr. Cooper and Mr. Harris represent a viewpoint of BUS from four years ago. Let’s stop using the past as a grudge and work and live in the present for our future. I encourage everyone to speak directly to those who are in the driver’s seat to make the changes we all want to see in the world, according to BUS.


Ted Trimm