‘Mission Control’ is a go

Kristin Kotz

Courtesy Warner Bros.

Credit: Ron Soltys

The Whigs

Mission Control

Released by Big Hassle

Stater rating (out of five): ****

Change is for the better for indie rock band The Whigs.

Its sophomore album, Mission Control is a strong follow-up to this Georgia-based band’s debut album, Give ‘Em All a Big Fat Lip (2005).

Since the band’s first album, drummer Julian Dorio and vocalist/guitarist Parker Gispert parted ways with bassist Hank Sullivant, who was replaced by Tim Deaux.

The Whigs’ easy-going sound is reminiscent of The Killers, who the band opened for in the past. Its music also has elements of folk-rock music to it as well.

The album’s first single, “Right Hand on my Heart,” is the strongest song on the album and has a mellow feel to it. The song’s catchy lyrics and awesome guitar riffs work together to create a great song.

“Like a Vibration,” the first song on the album, allows Dorio to show off his drumming skills by pounding out beats on the drums. His drumming, along with Gispert’s guitar work, will draw listeners into this track.

A slight departure from the upbeat feel of the album, “Sleep Sunshine” has a haunting feel to it. It starts off with eerie synthesized sound effects as Gispert sings the lyrics, “They’re scratching at your door/ They see you in your room/ They scared your daughter’s pony away.”

After “Sleep Sunshine,” the band returns to its upbeat feel with “1000 Wives.” This song is one of the album’s weaker points. Gispert’s vocals are forced on this track compared to the other songs on the album. He seems to be straining to hit some of his notes on this track, causing his voice to crack at times.

“I Got Ideas” is sure to put listeners in a good mood. Vocals, guitar and drums blend together perfectly on this song. It starts off with the sounds of an acoustic guitar and then brings in Sullivant on the drums. No singular part overpowers the others, making this a strong track.

“Need You Need You” is reminiscent of a classic rock song from the ’60s. Sullivant’s drumming on this track is overpowering at times. This takes away from Gispert’s vocals, which are the strongest part of this track.

Mission Control is definitely worth checking out. Its catchy lyrics, along with awesome guitar work and drumming, make this an album any music fan will appreciate.

Contact all correspondent Kristen Kotz at [email protected].