Student media to see new leaders next semester

Brittany Thoma

Student media leaders prepare to pass on their torches to next semester’s crew. Spring semester will bring a fresh batch of leaders with new goals and enthusiasm.

Adam Griffiths, sophomore information design major and spring editor for Fusion, said he wants to take the magazine in a positive direction.

“The content has historically been discouraging,” Griffiths said. “It’s been about the struggles of the LGBT community, and we need to highlight the triumphs.”

Change is in the blueprints for Uhuru as well. Sasha Parker, senior magazine journalism major, said as one of the new editors, she plans to push the envelope in the spring.

“I want to advance the publication by attacking the issues that the minority population faces like HIV and that a minority and a woman are running for president,” Parker said.

James Everetts, senior broadcast news major, said he wants to brand TV2 next semester.

“It’s the biggest frustration because not too many people know about TV2,” he said. “I want to build a group of viewers and build awareness to the genuine existence of the news station.”

Brittany Thoma

Spring 2008 student media leaders:

-Artemis – Theresa Bruskin

-Daily Kent Stater – Bryan Wroten

-Fusion – Adam Griffiths

-Luna Negra – Doug Hite

-Uhuru – TaLeiza Calloway and Sasha Parker