Streetsboro students experience walking woes

Lindsay McCoy

Since the failure of the August 7 school levy, the morning commute to class for Streetsboro students has changed.

Andrew Lesik, a Streetsboro parent, said he and his family have had to make some readjustments since the busing cuts. The family now wakes up 5:45 a.m. to start their day.

“I have to get up early and I don’t want to, and I don’t want to go to daycare,” 8-year-old Anna Lesik said.

The youngest, Anna spends each morning in daycare for two hours before the Elementary school starts the day. Her parents work full-time jobs, which makes the morning commute a crunch because her other siblings start school earlier than she does.

“People have kinda readjusted their schedules,” Streetsboro Superintendent Tom Giovangnoli said.

But those students who are left to find their own way to class end up walking. To get to the school’s campus, students have to cross state Route 303, a roadway that Lesik thinks is too busy.

“I mean there’s no sidewalk, there’s no crossing guards,” he said. “There’s only one light.”

The district has saved $300,000 since it stopped busing for all high school students and for students in kindergarten through eighth grade who live within two miles of the campus.

Giovangnoli presented options to fix this issue if the levy passes to the school board Thursday night.

The choices included the option to reinstate busing for students in kindergarten through 12th grade, students in kindergarten through eighth grade living within two miles of the school or busing for students in kindergarten through 10th grade.

The levy failed by 97 votes and will appear again on the November 6 ballot. The 5.1 mill additional tax levy would help cover costs for busing and permanent improvements for the next five years.