Letters to the Editor

Keep speading the word about Huntington’s

Dear editor:

Mr. (James) Everetts, thank you so much for the article on Huntington’s disease (“Despite growth, humanity has a long way to go”).

It touched the hearts of many people stricken with this horrible disease in their family. My daughter has it, and it is like Parkinson’s, Schizophrenia and ALS all rolled in to one. You have helped in putting the word out and we want to thank you.

Marsha Pieroni

Participation in campus events isn’t for everyone

Dear editor:

Kevin Casimer asked what people are making of their college experience (in Wednesday’s Letter to the Editor “Speak up for more than just elections”). For many people, their top priority is getting an education. That might be their only priority.

Not everyone who goes here has the time to attend the meetings for any of the several clubs on campus, attending programs or games, or to get involved in student “government.” Full classloads are a burden, and many of us have jobs to pay for part of the tuition. Others are working on internships, or on graduation prep. Sure, there are those who are busy and who also participate in extracurriculars. But for others, classes and work are too important to spend time doing other things. They may also be too exhausted to do so.

For others, clubs, programs and sports just don’t interest them, and others aren’t political. There is no need to criticize someone for wanting to focus their time on other endeavors.

Ultimately, education is what students like me are here for. If you are involved in some club, then good for you; however, the school extracurricular “experience” is only a small or nonexistent part of the lives of many Kent State students.

It isn’t that we don’t value the university. We do. But we value different parts of it. I value having access to good classes and teachers. That is what I am here for and nothing more. Others may place more value in working at their job than attending a meeting. Others don’t need university functions to have fun.

These people don’t deserve scorn just because they don’t get “involved.” Not getting involved doesn’t mean they hate the university or are too lazy. Caring about different things than you doesn’t mean they are apathetic. You CAN get a great college experience and never attend a single meeting, sporting event or program. I wish more people would realize that instead of acting all preachy and scornful like Mr. Casimer.

I think people should be glad that more and more students are focusing their time on work and school, instead of whining and complaining that their clubs aren’t as popular as they used to be.

Dan Wheeler

senior biology major