Professors, students share their experiences from past finals

The right way to prepare

To make the nights and days spent reviewing for finals worth it, it is important to know effective ways to study. Although things can vary from class to class, there are a few points to keep in mind no matter what.

Gene Shelton, assistant professor of journalism and mass communication, said the best way to study is to begin from day one in the classroom. He said it is important to always read the textbook and to understand how your professor teaches.

“The worst thing to do is to wait until the night before or the week of finals,” he said.

Many professors at Kent State lead study sessions before finals, including Shelton. He said these are beneficial because students can review with the person who is writing the test.

Shelton also recommended reviewing the placement of material within textbooks and noting what is emphasized. He said this can help students recognize what details are the most important to study.

More than anything, Shelton suggested taking time out to talk to your professor. He said he respects students who come to him with questions, and students should not be afraid to ask a professor what they need to know.

“The key to success is knowing your professor,” he said.

Christina Stavale