This movie is freaking funny as…

Ally Melling


For many college students, it’s something said at least once a day or something they’d rather do than go to class.

But as director Steve Anderson points out in his new documentary simply titled F*ck, this one little word packs a punch of diverse opinion.

Definitely not a film for the easily offended, F*ck humorously explores all aspects of this favorite of all curse words, from its origin to how it affects different areas of our modern society.


Starring Drew Carey, Bill Maher and Kevin Smith

Directed by Steve Anderson

Stater rating (out of five): ?????

Real historians start by dismissing the rumor that the word is an acronym, and examples are given of the use of the word in literature all the way back in the mid-1400s, though the film cites that no one knows where the word first truly originated.

As if this dead-serious discussion about initial meanings of the word isn’t funny enough, the film gives great quotes by famous writers and celebrities periodically during scene transitions.

Then there are the notable guest commentators, whose takes on the word and what it implies make this documentary the funniest film to come out in years.

Director Kevin Smith (Clerks) and comedians Billy Connelly and Janeane Garofalo are just a few film actors who add their witty two cents.

Popular porn stars such as Tera Patrick and Ron Jeremy discuss more sexual issues, such as the notable difference between “making love” and “f*cking.”

The late great gonzo journalist Hunter S. Thompson, to whom the film is dedicated, is shown speaking about subjects ranging from his time as a child in Sunday school to the American preoccupation with censorship.

Even ABC newscaster Sam Donaldson comments on the phenomenon of controversy such a curse word has caused in history.

As F*ck employs the tag line “The movie that dare not speak its name,” a large quantity of the documentary explores issues involving the FCC and the First Amendment.

The opinions of Pat Boone and Judith Martin (“Miss Manners”) are shown on the opposite side of comedy pioneers such as Lenny Bruce and George Carlin, whose stand-up acts have pushed America’s conservative envelope of free speech since the ’50s.

Shocking presidential quotes that contain the word f*ck are given, stretching from the Kennedy administration to George W. Bush. Relatively, comparisons are also provided to show each president’s level of opposition toward controlling verbal profanity, despite his own use of it.

While F*ck is repeatedly laugh-out-loud hilarious, well-paced and playful, the facts and instances it presents concerning growing censorship in our country may be surprising.

If nothing else, this documentary will prove to audiences that the historical f-bomb is more than a privilege of speech; it’s a f*cking right.

Contact ALL correspondent Ally Melling at [email protected].