Tuscarawas branch participates in Ohio-wide video conference
October 14, 2005
PORTSMOUTH – The Kent State Tuscarawas campus participated in the Third Frontier Network’s second annual Ohio Lights the Way program yesterday.
Kamal Bichara, academic program director at the Tuscarawas campus, represented Kent State in a statewide video conference between several of Ohio’s leading universities in technology research and development.
“The industry is showing phenomenal growth right now,” Bichara said. “I think what the state is trying to do with the Third Frontier Network is to be at the forefront of technological development.”
The Third Frontier Network is a statewide fiber-optic network heavily involved in educational and economic development.
The event, which took place at Shawnee State, also included representatives from Ohio State, Ohio University, Bowling Green State, Wright State and Washington State Community College (from Ohio University).
One of the main focuses of the event was the development of educational videogame technology, something Bichara said may help to educate students of a generation that demands information right now.
“The MTV generation really expects quality,” Bichara said. “We’ve learned that rather than sitting there and criticizing it, we should go along with it so that our kids can continue to be productive.”
One videogame demonstrated during the program had algebraic applications that allowed students to view the landscape of the game on a grid.
During the video conference, university representatives also discussed the importance of Interactive Digital Technology and academic programs at other universities.
Contact technology reporter William Schertz at [email protected].