I am a procrastinator

Katie Mallady

Katie Mallady | Copy desk chief

Credit: Beth Rankin

I wanted to write about something fun and interesting for my orientation column, but by the time I started typing, all the good subjects were taken.

As a result, I am going to write about procrastination.

It’s a subtle addiction, a drug with many flavors to experience.

There’s the smooth, high-flying sensation before the truth of the deadline sets in.

“I don’t need to start writing that paper yet, it’s not due for more than a week!”

This phase can last hours, days or even weeks, depending on the magnitude of the project and the distance of the deadline.

The next phase of the drug is much more intense. This is when the user realizes that said deadline is imminent and she or he needs to get started on the project immediately. This phase is highly stressful, but usually short-lived.

When the user is unsuccessful in completing the assignment during this second phase, a complete let down is experienced. High stress devolves into depression and possible low grades. This is when procrastination rehab can take hold.

However, if the user is successful in completing the project or paper during the second phase, a feeling of euphoria is experienced and the user feels invincible. This is the point when most new addictions begin and old addictions renew their grip.

I’ve been a victim of procrastination all my life. Sometimes I have been successful in writing papers and finishing projects in a fraction of their allotted time, sometimes not. The addiction is pervasive, sometimes nothing more than nagging thoughts telling you to put that paper off, just one week, one day, one hour. But it leads to something much more dangerous.

Some of you are more susceptible than others; you know who you are. I urge you, seek help now. Before it’s too late.

Contact copy desk chief Katie Mallady at [email protected].