Susan’s no longer provides ‘Artemis’

Ali White

If students are looking to grab a copy of the recent edition of Artemis at Susan’s Coffee and Tea, they won’t be able to anymore due to a recent decision to prohibit the magazine.

Susan’s management said the cover of Artemis that reads, “sluts, dildos, basketball, strippers, beauty, poetry, and graduation” wasn’t appropriate. The cover also features a picture of a stripper’s legs and platform heels wrapped around a pole.

This is what made management at Susan’s decide to ban the magazine from the vestibule area completely.

According to the general manager at Susan’s, Nancy Davis, the decision was made by local management because they “knew that corporate (offices) would never allow something like this in a store.”

“All publications displayed in the vestibule area of the Kent division of Susan’s must be approved by management,” said Larry Denton, vice president of Susan’s. “That area is getting very crowded and dirty, and people come and drop things off all the time without permission.We are just trying to distribute publications we believe our customers are interested in.”

Artemis is released bi-annually and its topics revolve around the goddess bearing the publication’s name. Artemis, the virgin goddess of wilderness, the hunt, the protector of wild animals and fertility, was the daughter of Zeus and Leto, according to the opening page of the magazine.

The topics in this edition touched on a variety of different areas, but all focus on one central theme — sex.

In the “letter from the editor” section of the magazine, the editor, Mary Wagley, justified this edition of Artemis.

“I hope that this issue not only broadens your horizons, but also encourages the community to remember that we are all members of the human community and all have a beating heart, regardless of occupation, personality or even politics,” Wagley said.

“Passion! Penis,” an Artemis article by Steven Harbaugh, senior magazine journalism major and Daily Kent Stater reporter, focuses on “reclaiming repressed female sexuality through sex toy parties.”

“I didn’t want to sensationalize the idea of sex toy parties,” Harbaugh said. “I wanted to show people that the women at these parties are housewives and school teachers who shop next to you at the grocery store and feel the need to repress their sexuality.”

Other Artemis articles have themes such as: The real lives of strippers, graduation, girls’ athletics, movie reviews, poetry and the use of date rape drugs.

Amanda Stanley, sophomore magazine journalism major and writer of “The Girls We Know and Often Love to Hate” in this issue of Artemis, attempted to define the word “slut” in her article. She said she thinks the writers of Artemis are just trying to write for the audience of college women and show them what they want to see.

“I can respect Susan’s if this magazine doesn’t fit within their values,” Stanley said. “But at Susan’s, it seems they don’t realize good journalism and need to realize that (Artemis is) what people want to know and what people want to hear.”

Contact College of Communication and Information reporter Ali White at [email protected].