Kent Interhall Council, Office of the Provost provide free newspapers at library, other buildings

Alison Turner

udents read a newspaper on weekdays, according to Scarborough Research, a consumer marketing company. Two programs on campus are trying to change that.

Free newspapers are being offered at many different locations on campus.

Kent Interhall Council offers USA Today at five different locations in the residence halls: Eastway, Prentice, Stewart and Lake halls and the KIC office in Tri-Towers.

Scott McCallen, president of KIC, said he has experienced a good response from the students.

“Almost every paper is being picked up,” McCallen said. “There’s a nearly 100 percent pick-up rate.”

KIC picked these areas because many students stop by for food or on the way to class.

“We’ve hit target areas of where people go most often,” McCallen said.

The Office of the Provost is also sponsoring a free news program with the Plain Dealer. They are available in six locations. The Student Wellness and Recreation Center, the Music and Speech Center, White Hall, the Michael Schwartz Center and Bowman Hall each receive 35 papers a day. The library has 75 papers available every day.

Jeff Milam, academic budget director for the Office of the Provost, notices most of the papers have been picked up by 10 every morning.

These numbers are encouraging, despite the fact that research shows low readership statistics for newspapers.

According to 2003 data from Scarborough Research, only 40 percent of people aged 18 to 24 read a newspaper on weekdays.

This is the second year both programs have been active on campus.

Contact room and board reporter Alison Turner at [email protected].