Halloweekend in Kent reaches spooktacular heights Saturday evening


Halloweekend in Kent is here, and although the actual holiday isn’t until October 31, Kent students have been out all weekend celebrating. Most don’t even celebrate on Monday, instead choosing to dress up and go out the entire weekend before. Kent students headed downtown Saturday evening, to local bars like Water Street Tavern or The Loft. Students were out as early as 7 p.m. Saturday night and stayed out until 2 to 3 a.m. Sunday morning. Some even waited for hours in 40-degree weather to get into Barflyy, a popular bar among college students. The line for Barflyy was around the block and continued to grow as the night continued. At midnight, the annual screening of Rocky Horror took place at the Kent Stage. While everyone heads to different places whether it be the bars or the frats, one thing remains the same. They all have amazing costumes. The most popular costumes this year were group costumes or nods to 2022 pop culture, like Taylor Swift or Marvel characters. From freshmen to seniors, and even some alumni the streets were filled with golden flashes ready to have a spooktacular time. TV2’s Olivia Sharp has the story.