Police: Kent man sexually assaults woman

Joseph C. Swaney

Rachel Karas

A 29-year-old woman was sexually assaulted around 6 a.m. Wednesday morning near Haymaker Parkway and East Main Street, according to a press release from Kent Police. 

Joseph C. Swaney, 30, of Kent, was arrested Wednesday afternoon by Kent police, and arraigned this morning in Portage County Municipal Court. He was charged with two first-degree felonies that include kidnapping and rape.   

Police said Swaney allegedly attacked the woman and held her against her will. The woman reported to police that she knew Swaney and that he sexually assaulted her before fleeing the scene. 

She was treated after the assault at a local hospital. 

Swaney’s bond was set at $250,000 and he is prohibited from having any contact with the victim. 

According to court documents, Swaney was charged in one felony case and 11 different misdemeanor cases that date back to 2014. He was convicted in three of the cases; charges in the other eight were either dismissed or waived. 

The original version of this story has been updated to include further information about Joseph C. Swaney’s criminal record. 

Rachel Karas is editor of KentWired. Contact her at [email protected]