LGBTQ+ Living-Learning community returns to Korb Hall

Korb Hall has reopened its LGBTQ+ living learning community.

Serena Shortridge

Since the Living-Learning communities’ original debut five years ago, there has been growing interest from LGBTQ+ students.

This interest comes in spite of the Halls’ sudden closure last semester, showing the eagerness of having a community-based option among students. 

Sophomore psychology major Ross Oliver chose Korb Hall as his home for two semesters.

“It’s a lot more comfortable being around other LGBTQ+ people,” Oliver said. “Being a trans person, I feel a lot safer in my own home than I would if I were to be in another dorm.” 

When reminiscing on the environment they moved away from, a student who declined to be named also felt positively about their decision.  

“Only having lived with cisgender people up until now, it’s great to be around others who get it and share in the same experiences that I’ve had,” they said. 

For some, Korb Hall provides the first chance to live with other queer people and fully experience their community. 

Ken Ditlevson, director of the LGBTQ+ Student Center, said the demand for Korb hall has grown significantly.

One reason for increased interest in Korb hall is the LGBTQ+ student center collaborating with Korb Hall resident assistants to provide monthly events. 

“Even though there’s two floors for the LLC and the people who have opted into living here, the activities are marketed to all of the floors of Korb,” Ditlevson said. 

He has also noticed a rise in attendance due to marketing initiatives. “Attendance has been higher than previous years, with lots of involvement from those who aren’t technically involved in the LLC,” Ditlevson said. 

The remaining three floors of Korb Hall are open residency, meaning any interested students can live there. The increased attendance and involvement from these groups show their willingness to support and engage with the LGBTQ+ community. 

When asked about the importance of an LGBTQ+ specific LLC on campus, Ditlevson emphasized student success. 

“When LLC’s exist, outcomes are way stronger for that cohort of students,” Ditlevson said.

Serena Shortridge covers diversity. Contact her at [email protected].