This opinion was written by Kelsie Horner, John Hilber, Alton Northup, Jacob Shondel, Annalexis Davis, Yasmeen Matthews, Casey Schroth, Jackson Small and Anthony Zacharyasz from KentWired’s editorial board. After reading this article and its companion article, be sure to vote in the poll below so we can settle this debate once and for all.
For those in a relationship, Valentine’s Day is a day full of expensive gifts and expectations. For the single folks, Valentine’s Day is just another reminder that you’re alone. No matter where your relationship status stands, Valentine’s Day is an overrated holiday that we should stop blowing out of proportion.
Valentine’s Day has fallen victim to the same crime as many other beloved holidays such as Christmas, and that is the corporatization of holidays.
Valentine’s Day is but a shell of its former self.
A holiday that was once about making a sweet note for a loved one has been corrupted by materialistic companies that want to gouge you for all you’re worth via assorted sweets and decorations.
The day was once meant to be dedicated to celebrating love, but it’s now filled with expensive expectations. Couples are expected to plan fancy dates, to provide flowers and jewelry and candy and more. Couples are expected to “outdo” their couple friends, and it has become almost like a competition of showing off of who has the best relationship.
The day has lost its true meaning.
Oftentimes, some individuals who do not put forth any effort year round will use Valentine’s Day as a crutch to make it seem like their past behavior is not that bad. Due to the extreme standards surrounding this holiday nowadays, most partners will excuse the behavior since they have felt valued from their partner on this day.
All of this pressure puts more emphasis on a price tag than actually sharing a moment and memory with a significant other.
A materialistic holiday fueled by people’s tendencies to over-gift and please through shiny and bright accessories ruins the real meaning of love.
Valentine’s Day should be a reminder to all about sharing time with loved ones because time is what should be pursued and cherished.
This opinion was written by Kelsie Horner, John Hilber, Alton Northup, Jacob Shondel, Annalexis Davis, Yasmeen Matthews, Casey Schroth, Jackson Small and Anthony Zacharyasz from KentWired’s editorial board. Contact the editorial team at [email protected].