The Kent State University women’s club bowling team meets every Tuesday and Thursday at Kent Lanes and encourages anyone who wants to involve themselves to come and play a game with members.
“They can just come and hang out and bowl with us,” said Ally Greco, president of the club. She said she wants to make it known that participants do not have to compete to be on the team.
The team was originally coed but branched off in the 2023-2024 season and bloomed into the women’s team, said Vice President Sydney Burns. They compete in tournaments in Columbus, Ohio, that are open to the public, but there are also options to go bowl and create friendships with the team members, Burns said.
Their first tournament was on Jan. 20, and they will compete in two more throughout the course of the semester.
In the fall semester, the women’s team had 13 participants. This semester, Greco said, they are expecting at least seven or eight. She said every semester with the club brings new opportunities.
“It’s really nice to see new members, it creates a sense of longevity for the club,” Greco said.
Emilee Cardani is a reporter. Contact her at [email protected].