Hailey Lawler
March 9, 2019
Hailey Lawler, sophomore nursing major, running for honors college senator
What is your platform?
“Let’s be real, how many times have you been asked: ‘Why did you join the Honors College?’ and you simply responded, ‘The scholarships.’ While there is a strong financial reason to join, I want to work with current Honors students to expand the benefits of the Honors College by:
- Expand the Kent Core honors course options, particularly Basic Science
- Develop clubs to change the “non-social honors student” stigma
- Incorporate the new Honors LLC in Centennial Court B into the Sto-Jo Community
- Expand free printing hours in the Honors Library and to CCB
- Create an Honors Student Advisory Council to add students in the decisions that directly affect us
- Give those completing a Senior Thesis availability to attend conferences to develop and present their projects
- Recognize outstanding graduating seniors for their leadership and achievement
- Partner with local organizations for service outreach opportunities and field trips
Together with my experience working with the Honors Staff and Faculty and the help of the over 1,500 honors students, let’s make a reason to proudly define yourself as an Honors Student.”
Why should people vote for you?
“I have experience working with the honors advisors through Honors Leadership Academy as well as connections with other campus personnel through my research in Sustainable Dining and working as a Kent Student Ambassador. I’m friendly and accepting of others and feel that I represent the average Honors Student. I love Kent State but I feel there are ways to make it even better and I want to work with other honors students to expand the benefits of the Kent State Honors College.”
What changes are you looking to enact?
- Expand the Kent Core honors course options, particularly Basic Science
- Develop clubs to change the “non-social honors student” stigma
- Incorporate the new Honors LLC in Centennial Court B into the Sto-Jo Community
- Expand free printing hours in the Honors Library and to CCB
- Create an Honors Student Advisory Council to add students in the decisions that directly affect us
- Give those completing a Senior Thesis availability to attend conferences to develop and present their projects
- Recognize outstanding graduating seniors for their leadership and achievement
- Partner with local organizations for service outreach opportunities and field trips”