Two suspects identified in Satterfield vandalism; names not released

Brandon Bounds

The Kent State University Police Department discovered the suspects they say are responsible for the vandalism in Satterfield Hall Dec. 16.

The police determined two people were involved: an adult male and a juvenile male. Their names and other information hasn’t been released.

Shortly before 10 p.m. that day, the suspects drew a swastika on a glass window with a glue stick, broke microwaves and left feces on the ground, according to authorities.

The university said the case will be referred to the Portage County Prosecutor’s Office and issued a persona non grata against the suspects, meaning they can’t enter certain areas of university property. 

KentWired published an initial story Dec. 22 describing the reactions from community members.

Hillel at Kent State wrote on Facebook:

“We are shocked to hear about this act of hate, vandalism, and anti-Semitism that occurred on our campus. Jewish students, parents and friends are encouraged to reach out to our staff if they need a listening ear or have questions during this difficult time. We are in communication with our partners at Kent State, the ADL, and the Jewish Federation of Cleveland to combat this hate and ensure an action like this does not ever occur again. Hillel at Kent State condemns this and all acts of anti-Semitism.”

The Jewish Studies Program at Kent State also responded on Facebook and wrote, “This is such an ugly act of anti-semitism and vandalism. Turn from evil and do good; seek peace and pursue it.”

The investigation is ongoing.

Brandon Bounds is a reporter. Contact him a [email protected].