Kent Stark nominates first Homecoming court
October 3, 2018
Kent State’s Stark campus is celebrating its 100th year of Homecoming with its first ever Homecoming court.
Andrew Mulvey, Caya Smarr, Michael Caiazza, Joei Stallard and Ashley Spellman will be representing Kent State Stark this weekend at Kent’s Homecoming festivities.
The five representatives were nominated by faculty and staff, or students could also nominate themselves.
Decisions on who to choose as a representative for the Stark campus were based on the student’s overall representation such as their GPA and student involvement. To be chosen, the student also had to be of senior standing.
The campus followed many of the other Kent State’s campuses’ guidelines for nominating the Homecoming court members.
Those chosen have participated in many events and activities over the week, such as meeting with the Stark campus’s dean, Denise Seachrist.
“It’s been very humbling,” Caizza said. “This is my last semester, so getting nominated to be on Kent Stark’s first court is a nice way to kind of give back to the community.”
The celebration at the Stark campus for Homecoming included many giveaways and activities, such as a Homecoming photo booth, Flash’s tailgate picnic, Fork in the Road food truck and health and wellness competitions such as jump-roping 100 times and planking for 100 seconds.
“I think it’s important that commuter students and regional students also get recognized in the Kent community,” Smarr said.
The court will participate in the Homecoming parade, which will start from the corner of Midway Drive and Main Street at 10 a.m. on Saturday. They will also be announced in a pregame ceremony before the Flashes take on Ohio at Dix Stadium. The game will kick off at 3 p.m.
Allyson Nichols is the social sciences and Stark campus reporter. Contact her at anicho38@kent.