Kent State to host annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” in April

Participants of the Walk a Mile in Their Shoes event pass the M.A.C. Center Tuesday, April 11, 2017.

Jaret Shannon

More than 300 students are expected to strut down Risman Plaza in some unexpected footwear.

Kent State will host the annual “Walk a Mile in Her Shoes” this April, an international event to raise awareness for those affected by sexual assault and gender based violence.

Men will walk one mile across campus wearing high-heeled shoes, while women will wear sneakers. The event is a playful opportunity for both genders to experience what life is like “in someone else’s shoes.”

This is something that is happening to people regardless of race, gender, and sexual orientation, and I think the walk does a great job of recognizing that,” said Isabella Adornetto, a junior criminal justice major and organizer of the event.

Sexual assault is an increasingly prevalent issue, especially on college campuses. Among undergraduate students, 23.1 percent of females experience sexual related violence, according to statistics by RAINN.

The Kent State Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services will also host a poster contest during the event.

Student organizations are encouraged to make posters with quotes and words of encouragement. The best banner will be awarded with an unknown prize.

More information about the event can be found at SRVSS or by contacting Isabella Andornetto at [email protected].

Jaret Shannon is the performing arts reporter. Contact him at [email protected].