Donut fear; sex week is here

John Young, then a freshman entrepreneurship major, blows up a condom at Sextoberfest in the Tri-Towers Rotunda Friday, Oct. 21, 2016.

Zoe Swartz

Sex Week, put on by Kent Interhall Council (KIC) every year, is a week of events meant to eliminate the stigma around sex and educate students.

The week of events, with the slogan “A Hole Lotta Fun!” and a theme of suggestive donuts, runs from Oct. 23 to Oct. 27.

John McDermott, director of programing for KIC, said Sex Week is for everybody.

“Sex Week is meant to get rid of stigma or the awkward hurdle people have when talking about or getting resources about sex,” McDermott said. “We try to bring fun and exciting speakers and events to promote an environment where all students feel safe to ask questions.”

One of the most anticipated events takes place on Oct. 25 — the Drag Show.

McDermott said this year’s show is particularly special.

“For our drag show, we usually have queens from Akron and other local areas. But this year, we were able to contract a drag queen off ‘RuPaul’s Drag Race.’ So that’s exciting,” McDermott said.

Along with the drag show, there is a meet-and-greet with the RuPaul queen, Aja, before the show. The tickets to the meet-and-greet are limited, but KIC has been giving challenges to students on their Twitter for a chance to win tickets.

An event new to this year is the self-defense class on Oct. 26, which McDermott is excited for the most.

“The self-defense class is partnered with the SRVSS (Sexual and Relationship Violence Support Services). They are giving a presentation beforehand on how domestic violence is more common than people think and accompanying it with the class,” McDermott said. “It’s a real educational aspect we’re bringing this year. I think the self-defense class is really exciting. I’m pumped for that.”

With the events and the free condoms, McDermott hopes students learn something from the week.

“With most of our programs here, we try to have a good educational takeaway,” he said. “I think the variety of programs we do throughout the week as well as the partners we work with are going to be a great resource for students.”

T-shirts for Sex Week will be available at the Sextoberfest event on the last day.

For dates, times and locations of all the events of Sex Week, visit KIC’s website.

Zoe Swartz is the room and board reporter. Contact her at [email protected].