University policy allows alcohol consumption on campus
March 15, 2017
While Quaker Steak and Lube has served alcohol in the lower level of Kent State’s Student Center since 2012, the tradition of selling alcohol on campus started in the Rathskeller in 1977.
There is a policy for the university selling alcohol on campus.
According to the policy, “The use or possession of alcoholic beverages, including, but not limited to, beer and wine, on the property of the university must be in accord with state and local laws. Further limitations on the time, place or manner of use or possession will be determined by the vice president for enrollment management and student affairs or designee.”
This policy also states that the university has a legal right to sell alcohol on campus.
Shay Little, the vice president of Student Affairs, said the policy is subject to change based on student preferences.
“I think we always review our current practices to see how it matches student requests. For students, we are always monitoring the use of alcohol when our dining staff is trained,” Little said.
Mitchell Bosse, a bartender at Quaker Steak and Lube, said since most students on campus are underage, the clientele tends to be people who live off campus.
“There are not a lot of people who are 21 or over who still live on campus, but there are RAs that live on campus that come here,” Bosse said.
The bar only seats students who are 21 years old or older, and the amount of business traffic they have is based on the events going on in Quaker Steak and Lube.
“Last Friday night, there was an alumni fraternity here, and it was the busiest night that I have ever worked. I made $75 in tips,” Bosse said. “Then I have other Friday nights where I make, like, 15 to 20 dollars.”
Quaker Steak and Lube serves both liquor and wine.
“I had shots of Fireball there, and I’ve gotten a beer there as well using my FlashCard,” said Jacob Keres, a senior criminology and justice studies major.
However, Keres said he would not typically consume alcohol at Quaker Steak and Lube, and he chose to drink there because he had extra money to spend.
“I wouldn’t choose to drink there,” Keres said. “I haven’t been to Quaker Steak or hung out on campus in years.”
Linda Stocum is the room and board reporter, contact her at [email protected].