Trump rallies in Columbus pushing jobs, immigration reform and making America great again

Donald Trump rallies supporters at the Signature Flight Hangar at Port-Columbus International Airport in Columbus, Ohio, on Tuesday, March 1, 2016. Trump said he plans to build a wall between Mexico and the U.S. and will make Mexico pay for it.

Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump spoke to a crowd of about 2,000 supporters about immigration, job growth and the other candidates in the presidential race at the Signature Flight Hangar at Port-Columbus International Airport in Columbus Tuesday.

Trump said when he is chosen, his priorities for his presidency include building a wall between the United States and Mexico — which Mexico will pay for — to keep illegal immigrants out of the country, saying illegal immigration is one of the biggest factors in his campaign.

“We’re gonna build a wall, don’t worry,” he said after a crowd member shouted a question about the wall. Several times during the rally, supporters began chanting, “build that wall.”

Linda Sawyers of Roseville, Ohio, said America needs that wall.

“Mexico needs to pay for the wall,” she said. “We’re not going to take it any more. No more (immigrants) should come in. In order to make change in this country, people are going to have to make some sacrifices.”

However, Trump did say he has strong Latino support in the nation, saying he “won by a lot” in the Nevada primary.

“I love the Hispanic people,” he said.

Edwin Hill of North Olmsted, Ohio, said he supports Trump’s stance on immigration.

“I have nothing against immigration,” he said. “But they need to come legally, like they have for centuries.”

Trump also promised to bring back jobs from China and Mexico, calling Mexico “the new China.”

“I will be the greatest jobs creator God ever created,” Trump said.

Trump said he plans to eliminate Obamacare and Common Core and will strengthen both Christianity and the Second Amendment as president.

Kate Roush of Galloway, Ohio, came to the rally with her 8-year-old grandson, T.J. Stevens, who skipped school for the event.

“He’s gonna witness history, so he skipped school,” she said. “We want to be a part of something.”

Trump said the nation is split both politically and racially, and uniting the country is part of his plan to “make America great again.”

“Our country is so unbelievably divided,” he said. “We’re gonna bring it together, folks. We have to bring it together.”

Keith Kaufman of New Lexington, Ohio, dressed up as American Revolutionary War hero Patrick Henry in honor of his ancestors who fought in the war.

“It hurts me to see my country going down the tubes,” he said. “My ancestors fought to make this country great.”

South Carolina Pastor Mark Burns and New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, who endorsed Trump for president Friday, introduced the businessman turned potential Republican nominee.

“We Christians would have a friend in the White House,” Burns said of Trump. “

“The strong leader in this race is Donald J. Trump,” Christie said, saying the nation needs to get rid of “weak, hand-wringing” presidents in the Oval Office.

Trump bashed both his Republican and Democratic candidates during the rally, saying Hillary Clinton “does not have the strength or the stamina to become president” and calling Ted Cruz “Lyin’ Ted.”

Trump also said that he — not fellow Republican presidential hopeful and current Ohio Gov. John Kasich — will win Ohio.

Trump said he plans on winning so much, the American people will get tired of winning.

Two protests involving African American individuals marked the rally. Prior to Trump’s speech, a message over the hangar’s loudspeaker urged supporters “don’t touch or harm the  protesters; this is a peaceful rally.” Instead, they were told to raise their Trump signs, which read, “the silent majority stands with Trump” and begin chanting, “Trump, Trump, Trump,” and authorities would intervene.

Both times, security escorted the protesters out of the hangar.

Contact Emily Mills at [email protected] and Ian Flickinger at [email protected].