USG passes support of student veterans resolution, opposes House Bill 48
March 30, 2016
USG passed a resolution in support of student veterans during its public meeting on Wednesday.
Matthew Chernesky, Senator at-Large, proposed a bill on March 16 in support for student veterans and those currently serving in the military.
The resolution titled ‘Support of Student Veterans’ focuses on supporting any attempt to provide services such as employment, residential opportunities, healthcare services and transition assistance from the field to the classroom for veterans and those serving the military.
“I was inspired by this after hearing presentations from the public relations students who are pushing issues to support the national organization Student Veterans of America,” Chernesky said. “I proposed the bill in support of this group, and to hopefully start a dialogue about strengthening services for these students.”
The Student Veterans of America is a national organization that “provides military veterans with the resources, support and advocacy needed to succeed in higher education and following graduation,” according to its website.
The Veterans Club and Chernesky began communication after he proposed the bill to talk about the issues that the veterans have been witnessing on campus.
“By having this conversation, we can see what avenues for collaboration between USG and the student veteran groups, and see how we can build a community to affect change in a way that will make it possible,” Chernesky said.
Chernesky’s hope for next year is for the new student body government to continue to support the student veterans and implement some changes within the university.
“A lot of student veterans feel alienated from the community here at Kent State and we need to make sure we are trying our best to integrate them and make them feel more welcomed,” Chernesky said. “This is unacceptable if we are trying to be an inclusive community and I hope this starts a conversation that helps lead to a better environment.”
Another resolution discussed during the meeting opposed House Bill 48. If House Bill 48 passes, it would give the board of trustees at public universities in Ohio the discretion to allow concealed carry of deadly weapons on campus.
Students and faculty would be allowed to have concealed carry when walking through campus, but could not carry the weapons into buildings. If the bill passes the Ohio legislature, it is still up to the board of trustees at respective universities to vote on implementing the policy. The resolution has been tabled for further discussion and a vote at the next USG meeting will take place.
“This is a big issue across the United States, lives come in to stake with something like this,” said Domenic Cicchinelli, Director of Governmental Affairs
It’s a second amendment right to keep and bear arms, but you also have the right to have your own opinion on what your campus should and shouldn’t do.”
USG’s next biweekly meeting is April 13. All meetings are open to the public.
Anthony Calvaruso is the Student Politics reporter for The Kent Stater. Contact him at[email protected].