C-SPAN campaign bus stops at student center to raise awareness

The C-SPAN campaign bus stopped outside the student center Monday from 12 – 1:30 p.m. The bus featured, among other things, touch screen quizzes, mobile devices, HD cameras and production equipment.  

Vanessa Torres, a C-SPAN marketing representative, said that the bus has recently been stopping in primary and caucus states since it is presidential campaign season. She also commented that many people first think the bus is coming to promote one of the current candidates running for president. 

“We’ve been talking to students and people in the community about how we are a non-partisan network, where they can gather information about their candidates from a non-partisan viewpoint,” Torres said.  

When the bus first pulled in, a small group of students was already waiting to take the tour as well as those waiting in connection with student media at Kent. Those leaving the bus appeared impressed by the wide range of activities and equipment available on the tour.

“I thought it was cool, very enlightening, a lot of cool technology,” said student Daniel Parker.

Others were impressed by the events appeal to millennial age students. Not only the technology, but the C-SPAN’s presence on social media was found to be very relatable. Although C-SPAN is a television network, Dylan Webb , a major in Teaching English as a Second Language, recognized that many millennials watch more Netflix than actual TV.  

Using social media we can get involved with politics in a way that best suits us,” Webb said. 

C-SPAN campaign bus stops at student center to raise awareness from KentWired.com on Vimeo.

Anthony Calvaruso is the Student Politics reporter for The Kent Stater. Contact him at [email protected]