Homecoming queen talks school pride

USG Senator and homecoming queen, Amanda Bevington, lays in the grass outside of the Student Center on Tuesday, Oct. 27, 2015. Amanda wore her USG shirt and brought her homecoming crown.

Sarah Matthews

Amanda Bevington, the 2015 Kent State homecoming queen, originally had no intention of ever being a Flash.

“I applied to four schools, and you always have them ranked,” Bevington said. “Kent was actually was my last choice.”

Bevington was set to attend the University of Kentucky and had already found a roommate. Ultimately, the Solon native woke up one morning and hastily decided to switch to Kent State the summer before school began.

She said once she had attended orientation, she knew she was in the right place.

“I wasn’t meant to go to Kentucky and throughout my college career, I’ve continuously found reasons why Kent State was the best option for me,” Bevington said.

The senior communication studies major first planned to be a student athlete, but after several injuries, other opportunities opened up for Bevington, including traveling to Costa Rica and Haiti the summer before college.

“After that summer, that’s when I realized I wasn’t meant to be an athlete in college,” Bevington said. “I wanted to travel…and I realized how passionate I was about service work.”

She has studied abroad in three countries including Uganda, South Korea and Poland.

“My dream job would be (planning) service trips abroad for college students,” she said.

Along with studying abroad, Bevington remains active in student life at Kent State, including being a campus tour guide, the president of two organizations, a member of Chi Omega and the senator of residence halls for Undergraduate Student Government.

Bevington’s strong presence on campus ultimately led to her being honored with the title of Homecoming Queen this fall.

“It was overwhelming, but amazing to know that you’re voted by your peers at that point when you win, so just to know that I had that support was a really awesome feeling,” she said. “Probably one that I’ll never have again.”

Marisa Stephens, a sophomore managerial marketing student, said she has never met someone more deserving to represent Kent State. Stephens and Bevington became fast friends after working as flash guides together this past summer.

“We worked together everyday and were attached at (the) hip with everything we did,” Stephens said.

Stephens said when she first heard Bevington’s name over the loud speaker, she was filled with excitement.

“The love she has for this institution and for the people is not matched by any other person,” Stephens said.

Bevington said although there are many things she loves about Kent State, there is one thing in particular that sticks out in her mind.

“The people at Kent,” Bevington said. “I’ve traveled all over the world and the people here create a special atmosphere and vibe throughout campus.”

Sarah Matthews is the student politics and USG reporter for The Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].