Art professor unexpectedly dies Tuesday

Photo courtesy of Kent State

Photo courtesy of Kent State

Megan Hermensky

Gingr Vaughan, an assistant professor of art history, suddenly passed away Tuesday evening.

According to LinkedIn, Vaughan began teaching at Kent State in 1984. One class she taught this semester was Art as a World Phenomenon.

In an email to Vaughan’s classes, professor Gustav Medicus said, “Professor Vaughan was a treasured faculty member and beloved colleague of the School of Art.”

He continued in the email expressing his empathy for her students.

“I’m sorry for the loss of your professor; she was a great teacher and a valued artist as well as a friend who will be deeply missed.”

Her classes may experience a brief period of intermission as a new instructor is identified, Medicus went on to say.

Megan Hermensky is the faculty and academics reporter for The Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected]