Downtown Kent celebrates culture with International Festival

Steve Sabo, of The Orange Trük, talks to Dan and Donna Lange at the International Festival in Downtown Kent on Saturday Sept. 12, 2015.

Bailey Purpura

Water Street became home to unique foods, shops and performers Friday for the annual International Festival in downtown Kent.

Kent State graduate Genia Kollie came up with the idea four years ago.

“I majored in entrepreneurship at Kent State and I thought this was something Kent needed,” Kollie said.

Kollie works at Home Markets right in the center of Acorn Alley where customers can purchase items from all over the world, including Kinder chocolate from England and decorative chopsticks from Asia.

The festival included stands where visitors could purchase items from a wide variety of countries. There were even items made in Nicaragua from recycled car parts.

Food trucks lined Water Street at the festival: Premier Crepes, Thee Oasis Grille and Wholly Frijoles Mexican Street Food were all options at the festival.

“They have a wide variety of really delicious food from all over the country,” Abbey Youel, a junior nursing major, said, “and I plan to get a lot of it.”

Bailey Purpura is the downtown and city beat reporter for The Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].