Kent State named top pet-friendly university

One-and-a-half-year-old English bulldog Tank walks around with his owners Renee Beal and Seth Beal during College Town Kent Summer Tour on Saturday, July 11, 2015. Kent State ranked first place for the most pet-friendly campus according to

Neville Hardman

Out of 10 universities listed throughout the nation, Her Campus ranks Kent State as the most pet friendly.

The website credits Kathy Adamle’s founding of Dogs On Campus Pet Therapy Program.

Adamle, an assistant professor for the College of Nursing, studies the human-animal bond. Her program was introduced as the first in the country at Kent State in 2005.

According to a statement on the program’s website: “The Dogs On Campus Pet Therapy Program is designed for university students, faculty and staff. People miss their dogs, an integral part of their family and support system. By acknowledging their separation anxiety, maybe we can bridge the gap between home and heart.” 

Typically, Dogs on Campus are seen more frequently during exam week when students are stressed out studying for multiple classes. However, the dogs will appear on campus on Sept. 12 from 10 a.m. to 12 p.m. on the first floor of the library and can be requested, including during Welcome Weekend.

The dogs visited Manchester Hall to welcome freshman and returning students to campus.

“Look around,” said Adamle as she smiled, and new and old students alike hunkered down on the floor to pet the dogs visiting the residence hall. “(Students are) happy.”

For an hour, the room was filled with students, dogs and workers. Owners handed cards to students containing a photo and facts about their dog.

Ashley Emigh, a freshman middle childhood education major, made her rounds before leaving by petting all of the dogs in the room. She favored the black lab.

“It seems like (the program) is really good,” Emigh said. “The therapy dogs are definitely helpful.”

As someone who is used to the company of two dogs at home, Emigh said she would come back, especially during finals.

The program just celebrated its 10th anniversary in the spring. Adamle said all dogs a part of the program are certified and have gone through proper training.

“It’s a big process,” she said.

Since its launch at Kent State, Macalester College, University of California, San Francisco and Emory University and several other universities have adopted a pet therapy program.

Neville Hardman is the Opinion Editor for The Kent Stater. Contact her at [email protected].