Opinion: Knowing peace through God

Alexis Wohler is a junior journalism major. Contact her at [email protected].

Alexis Wohler

How many college students struggle to feel a sense of peace? Peace within and with themselves, peace with friends, colleagues and classmates. Peace with classwork and homework, not to mention with projects, exams and finals. Have you ever wondered how to find peace?

Peace can be as simple as feeling calm no matter what situation you may be in, whether it’s a school-related situation or personal situation. Peace can also be characterized as knowing you have a great purpose in this life and are working toward your goal of fulfilling that purpose.

For me, the definition of peace is finding God and having a relationship with him. I have found a lot more peace with him throughout college. I’ve been stressing about assignments only to realize that all I need to do is turn to him and give my life problems over to him, knowing that everything will be OK and work out for his glory and in the right time.

Some people may notice that others have a sense of peace in their lives. Those people’s sense of peace could be because they believe in God as having perfect control over their situation and their lives. Believing in something bigger than yourself can bring people peace. When people see others having the sense of peace that they long for, they may tend to ask about it. Some people may envy the peace you have. You can tell them your story and help them start feeling the peace that they want to feel.

When we struggle to find peace in our lives, we can always find comfort in the fact that there are people there for us in our time of need, no matter what. My dad, grandma and boyfriend are three of the biggest Christian influences I have in my life. Just talking to them brings me peace, especially when they unselfishly help me through anything I may be going through. They always try to take the stress off my shoulders by helping me see the good of God even through my problems.

Many people have asked, “What is my purpose in life?” You are here to find your purpose in life. Only you can find out what your own purpose is in this life.  We are all here for a specific purpose. We have to only search for that purpose.  My purpose is to become a journalist and to be a witness for Christ throughout my life and career.

With so many wars in the world nowadays, such as the ISIS terrorist threats, as well as fights between countries and between police and civilians, we really are left to wonder when there will be peace in this world, if ever.

Maybe your purpose is to become a doctor, lawyer, pastor or even a professor at Kent State. Maybe your purpose is to be a missionary or to witness to people about the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Whatever you are meant for, strive for greatness.

Remember you are here for a reason, and where you are right now in life is where you are meant to be. Find that peace within yourself. 

Alexis Wohler is a junior journalism major. Contact her at [email protected].