Opinion: Let’s hear from Netanyahu

Jennifer Hutchinson

Jennifer Hutchinson

It is crucial that our leaders hear from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. Despite attempts by the White House and Senate Democrats to stunt Netanyahu’s talks on negotiations with Iran, there are good reasons for his visit that far exceed policy protocol.

Talks of violating protocol began after Congress extended an invitation to the Israeli leader, for March, without the consent of President Obama. The President immediately stated that he would refuse to meet with Netanyahu stating, “I’m declining to meet with him simply because our general policy is, we don’t meet with any world leader two weeks before their election. I think that’s inappropriate, and that’s true with some of our closest allies,” according to CNN.

It’s funny that President Obama is now suddenly the voice of practice and procedure; because just back in 2009 he visited German Chancellor Angela Merkel just three months before her country’s elections. That was back when the policy wasn’t so convenient for him, so therefore it was ignored. However, now in an attempt to help Democrats save face, the policy must be upheld to its strictest limits.

However, this isn’t about protocol. Congress has every right to invite whomever it would like. The Washington Post reported House Speaker John Boehner commenting, “I did not consult the White House, Congress can make this decision on its own. Obama expects us to stand idly by and do nothing while he cuts a bad deal with Iran.”

This is about the fact that Obama and Senate Democrats don’t want to be exposed for being weak when it comes to talks with Iran, and not taking the proper measures to halt Iran’s nuclear weapon production. President Obama claims sanctions will ruin longstanding talks with Iran. However, those talks have gone nowhere for years and Israel is becoming ever more in danger. Even some Senate Democrats, such as New Jersey Senator Robert Menendez, have accused Obama’s negotiations with Iran as sounded like “talking points that come straight out of Tehran.”

Democrats have made strains between the United States and Israel. As one of our closest allies, what’s good for Israel is good for the U.S., and those who are enemies that threaten Israel also are enemies that threaten the U.S. Israel a model democratic state in the Middle East, and the United States must do whatever it can to bolster Israel in order to expand democracy throughout the rest of that region. This means implementing strict sanctions against Iran that will provide actions instead of nice words.

Netanyahu has said he will take every opportunity in order to protect Israel. We should not threaten the well fare of an ally over hurt feelings.