Students to voice thoughts on diversity

Sophomore advertising major Tyler Lunato (left), sophomore advertising major Ellie Schering (middle), and junior public relations major Breyanna Tripp (right) attend a Student Voice Team meeting in Franklin Hall on Feb. 2, 2015 . The Student Voice Team, a link between JMC’s students and faculty work together to talk about concerns, problems and questions regarding the university with a focuses on diversit and helping students in every type of academic field.

Jessica Darling

The Student Voice Team for the School of Journalism and Mass Communication will host an event “Real Talk: Uncut & Uncensored” on Feb. 9 at 6:30 p.m. in Franklin Hall’s FirstEnergy Auditorium.

The Student Voice Team is responsible for representing a large group of diverse people. 

“They are the voice of the students,” said Traci Williams, faculty advisor of the Student Voice Team and associate lecturer in JMC.

The team stands as ambassadors between the students and those higher up who can take care of the issues or concerns the students have.

 “We discuss issues within our school, and then meet with School Director Thor (Wasbotten) to tell him about issues and concerns students within our school have,” Williams said.

Austin Bennett, a Student Voice Team member and senior public relations major, said that no staff members or faculty will be invited to the meeting. 

 “This is strictly just for the students to discuss and talk about what they feel is going on, what they feel about the school, what they feel about the world,” Bennett said. 

 As discussed at a Student Voice Team meeting, diversity will be the main topic of discussion addressed at the event. The topics range from the roles of the student media, what diversity is and speaking up about the concerns in JMC. 

 “We want to have an area where we can talk about diversity and tie it into student media,” said Alexandra Valverde, co-chair of the Student Voice Team and senior journalism major. “What is the role of student media and approaching diversity and issues that we will have to be exposed to in the real world.

“When we promote diversity, we want to make sure people don’t think that means black and white,” Valverde said. “Diversity is, it relates to LGBTQ issues, different religions, different upbringings and different backgrounds. It’s not just a race thing. It’s diversity within lifestyles as well.”

 “(The Student Voice Team) loves their school, and they’re really looking toward the future for those students who are coming after them,” Williams said.

Those selected for the team were self-nominated. After sending in an email to the Student Voice Team board, the students had to meet for an interview, Williams said. 

“There’s no reason why anyone would be rejected. It’s for students who are dedicated to helping make our school a better place,” Williams said. 

The Student Voice Team will seek new members toward the end of the spring 2015. 

Contact Jessica Darling at [email protected].