Our view: Confronting Ebola in Ohio

KS Editors

Today it was announced Amber Joy Vinson, a Kent State graduate who cared for the first Ebola patient in the United States, Thomas Eric Duncan, was diagnosed with Ebola. Vinson visited northeast Ohio over the weekend, and just like that, a disease that was “happening somewhere else” was happening here.

Initially confusion took over: False reports that Vinson visited Kent State while she was in the area and that her relatives were quarantined spread across the web. In reality, Vinson did not visit campus, but three of her relatives are university staff members and have been asked to stay off campus for the next 21 days.

Here at the Stater, as a staff we began reporting, trying to figure out what was true and what the risk to the Kent State community was. The city health commissioner later told city council that there was little to no risk to the Kent community.

But no matter the risk or the possibility that Ebola could reach Kent State University, what’s important is that this is a contagious disease that should be treated

with caution.

When dealing with a disease of any kind, it is important for those who are exhibiting symptoms to think about their communities, not just themselves. Contagious diseases with the potential to affect large groups or people should be taken seriously. Yes, staying home can be an inconvenience. But when it comes to preventing illness – and even death – of those around you, inconvenience is a small price to pay. Limiting your interactions with other individuals can be the key to preventing the spread of disease.

We are all human and we should treat our peers with the utmost respect. We are a society that relies on one another, and taking small steps to protect each other is worth it, despite any perceived hassles.

Vinson has a long road in front of her. As fellow humans – and Kent State Flashes – we hope that she receives the best care and recovers from this disease.

The above editorial is the consensus opinion of the The Kent Stater editorial board, whose names are listed above.