‘All Black Everything’ talent showcase promotes minority groups on campus


Jordan Pugh, a member from the dance group Fluidity, performs at the All Black Showcase in the Kiva Thursday, Feb. 20, 2014.

Michael Lopick

Daria Harven, director of programming for Black United Students, created BUS’ All Black Everything showcase to help African-American students connect with black organizations on campus.

“I really did this event to promote student involvement,” she said. “I feel like we have a lot of black organizations on campus that people just don’t know about. I wanted people to be educated and informed about them.”

Black United Students presented its All Black Everything talent showcase to a packed crowd in the Kiva Thursday night highlighting the talents of various black student groups in celebration of Black History Month.

Among those to preform was Fluidity, a hip-hop dance group formed at Kent State in 2012. Since then the group has grown to seven members who strive to bring their own unique style to the stage.

Their routine focused on showing the evolution of black history through the music of famous African-American artists such as Michael Jackson.

The performance was freshman member of Fluidity Enoris Johnson’s first with the group.

“It meant a lot to me to perform for this crowd,” he said. “I’m just glad that we can come together and dance for such a great cause.”

Aside from dancing and singing, the organization Focus on the Future performed a comedic skit with a powerful message.

The scene involved a satirical situation involving a young, African-American woman judging other African-Americans and openly discussing her distaste of a young, single mother and “wanna-be-thug” male.

As each actor reacted to her remarks, they educated the audience on the consequences of demeaning one another and challenged them to be the best they can be.

Nate Lewis, president of Focus on the Future and participant in the skit, wanted to show African-American students the dangers of stereotypes.

“I wanted to get across that African-Americans are more than what society says we are,” he said, “We define who we are by what we chose to do, not by what they say we do. I want young African-Americans to know that they are doing good, but that we can do better for ourselves and our families.”

After the performances, fashion shows and poetry readings finished out the showcase. Students said they were left with a renewed sense of unity and purpose.

India Pringle, a freshman early education major, thought the event was a great way to get African-American and other minority students more involved on campus and feel connected to their heritage.

“Everything was amazing tonight,” she said. “I was so inspired by all the groups and their emotional performances. I’m already a part of an organization, but I’m sure any students not currently involved will be motivated to join one.”

Contact Michael Lopick at [email protected].